The Story: The Doctor, in search of Clara Oswin Oswald, who’s splintered throughout time and space, finds himself investigating a series of disappearances in 21st century London. Are they somehow connected to the Wi-Fi?
The Verdict: DOCTOR WHO returns to our screens (after a rather average and arc-plot heavy Christmas special, we must add) with a fantastic, fast-paced, action packed thriller, packed with plenty of great gags, spellbinding set pieces, and some intriguing teases as to what’s still to come this season. To say that THE BELLS OF ST. JOHN is a barnstorming opening episode doesn’t do it justice in the slightest! It’s easily one of the best season premieres the show’s ever had.
Okay, hyperbole over. In all honesty, whilst the episode is one of the best premieres we’ve had in years, it’s not likely to be regarded as one of the greatest DOCTOR WHO stories ever. However, it is damn good Saturday night telly, and promises a brilliant start to DOCTOR WHO’s 50th Year.
The chemistry here between Matt Smith and newcomer Jenna-Louise Coleman is simply breath-taking. Smith’s Doctor is on fine form here, and Coleman’s Clara Oswald is simply to die for – smart, funny, instantly loveable and most importantly, relatable, she shows plenty of promise for the next seven weeks!
Plot wise, it’s not exactly a complicated affair, but it’s still an episode that speeds along at a fair lick, packed with all manner of hilarious and terrifying moments (the Jet-Liner scene being an absolute corker!) That said, the Spoonheads are sadly ineffectual McGuffins rather then the horrifying monsters one would have expected, though the big reveal of the real villain behind proceedings is great little kick up the story-arc, and a welcome return for Richard E. Grant, who was terribly underused in THE SNOWMEN at Christmas.
Above all else, THE BELLS OF ST. JOHN is a cracking opening gambit for the show, fresh and invigorating to say the least. If the rest of the Season is as fun, as action-packed, and as full of pace & intrigue as this single episode, then it’s safe to say that we’re in for a treat.
Best Bit: The Doctor riding up the Shard on a Motorbike! Your brain will say this is ridiculous and stupid. Your heart will kick your brain and tell it to stop being such a boring old sod! Simply put, it’s a brilliant action scene that only DOCTOR WHO can get away with. Bravo!
Star Performance: Celia Imrie is simply inspired casting as the villain of the piece, Miss Kislet. However, the Star Performance award this week goes to Jenna Louise Coleman, for her wonderful on-screen chemistry with Matt Smith, and her excellent display of attitude and vulnerability. I expect good things still to come from this companion.
Best Line(s):
The Doctor: “Monks are not cool!”
THN’s Doctor Who Series Blog returns next Saturday.
From an early age, Matt Dennis dreamt of one day becoming a Power Ranger. Having achieved that dream back in the noughties, he’s now turned his hand to journalism and broadcasting. Matt can often be found in front of a TV screen, watching his current favourite shows such as DOCTOR WHO, GAME OF THRONES, SHERLOCK, DAREDEVIL, and THE WALKING DEAD, though he’s partial to a bit of vintage TV from yesteryear.
Matt also co-presents the Geek Cubed podcast, which you can download from iTunes. It’s quite nice.