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Simon Pegg Talks Star Trek & Being Mates With Tom Cruise

Let’s just say it, Simon Pegg is already a Brit legend and although he probably wouldn’t admit it in public, the cheeky scamp has gone all the way from Tufnell Park to Hollywood and yet still retains oodles of charm, and most importantly, a whole load of talent.  He’s also Scotty again in the upcoming STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS and plays it with a sense of unabashed brilliance twisted with a hint of homage and, rightly so, we bloody love him for it.

First up, we’ve got him talking about his involvement with the aforementioned STAR TREK and re-confirming the understanding that JJ Abrams has. I’m a big fan of the director and I’m positive he not only understands the spirit as well as the story, but how important the implementation is for this follow up, so it’s encouraging that Pegg had this to say:

‘JJ Abrams (the director) knew exactly the invigoration Star Trek needed. It had got a bit bogged down in its own mythology. The hardcore fans liked all that but for a mainstream audience it wasn’t doing anything. JJ gave it some Star Wars pizzazz, some decent emotional hooks and characters you can relate to.’

The Peggster also gave a moment to talk about being friends with Tom Cruise, not gloatingly, but just how exciting it is still and – we’d think – somewhat surreal at the same time. He gave a little grounded reality to the whole situation:

‘These kinds of things seem far more exotic than the truth of it. You meet someone, you get to know them a little bit, you swap numbers and by the time it arrives as fact, it’s fairly mundane.’… ‘But if you think of it the way your Nan would think of it, then I guess it is kind of cool. I do get excited if Tom Cruise emails me, because it’s Tom Cruise. So I always show it to my wife and go: “Look, look!” ‘

I was excited when I got a retweet once from Simon Pegg, so I can only dream of that level of cool.

STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS is released in the UK on May 9th and you can check out all our coverage by clicking this link here.

Thanks to ES Magazine for the interview snippets which is out this Friday 3rd May and is available to read for free on iPad and Kindle Fire. Finally, as we like to end with a thought, look at this smooth bugger in his Hardy Amies suit, very nice!


Dan loves writing, film, music and photography. Originally from Devon, he did London for 4 years and now resides in Exeter. He also has a mild obsession with squirrels and cake. The latter being more of a hobby. Favourite movies include HIGH FIDELITY, ALMOST FAMOUS, ROXANNE, GOOD WILL HUNTING, JURASSIC PARK, too many Steve Martin films and Nolan's BATMAN universe. He can also be found on

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