With seven weeks until WRESTLEMANIA 29, the biggest WWE show of the year, ELIMINATION CHAMBER 2013 is the final chance for superstars to secure a spot in the WWE Title and World Heavyweight Championship bouts.
The build to the pay-per-view focused on CM Punk’s chance to regain the WWE Championship from The Rock, the six-man elimination chamber match for a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at WRESTLEMANIA 29, and a match for that title between champion Alberto Del Rio and The Big Show.
The show opens with with Del Rio/Big Show which, whilst not as spot-heavy as their ROYAL RUMBLE outing, manages to be very enjoyable. Along with his feud with Sheamus, Big Show has been as consistent in delivering pay-per-view matches recently as anytime in his WWE career. Another championship match follows with US Champ Antonio Cesaro taking on The Miz. Other than a very poor ending the match delivers near-falls, big moves and thanks to Cesaro some super-human stength.
Entrants into the now annual Elimination Chamber match were: Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Kane, Randy Orton, Jack Swagger, and Mark Henry. Each of these men are previous Heavyweight Champions which helped contribute to the most open Chamber in years. Another positive aspecs towards this was that none of the combatants had clear paths the WRESTLEMANIA mapped out, which would prove a positive and negative in the weeks after. Sadly whilst the match was open it was lacking in quality and excitement. Each of the participants give their all and takes a bump or two on the metal surrounding the ring, but this is an example of a Chamber match by-the-numbers.
If the Chamber disappointed the next bout pitting John Cena, Ryback and Sheamus against The Shield did anything but. Action-packed and exhilarating it showcased The Shield’s talent completely. Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns look tremendous as part of a trio and in their own in-ring work, pointing to huge things ahead. Sadly after a 15-minute barn-burner the following two matches total under eight as Dolph Ziggler takes on Kofi Kingston in an impromptu match, and Tamina Snuka challenges Diva’s Champion Kaitlyn. Even with under four minutes Ziggler and Kingston thrill, the Diva’s not so much.
The rematch for The Rock’s WWE Title ends the show and whilst not perfect is exponentially better than the dry, plodding affair at ROYAL RUMBLE. Much, if not all, of this is down to CM Punk who continues to sparkle with his in-ring work physically and psychologically. The Rock is sadly lacking at the age of 41 but he manages to sell like a trooper, and excite the crowd no end.
Overall ELIMINATION CHAMBER is a good outing for WWE; it doesn’t have the majesty of ROYAL RUMBLE and the Chamber match disappoints, but much around it is above average and sets up the next seven weeks nicely.
Extras: As is normal for WWE Blu-rays vignettes and matches from the previous weeks Raw and Smackdown shows are present. Match wise there isn’t a lot but Paul Heyman’s ‘resignation’ and The Shields work on Raw are well worth your time. On the DVD the interminable Matt Striker interviews Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter, whilst the pre-show match pitting Brodus Clay & Tensai against Rhodes Scholars is four minutes of fun(k).
ELIMINATION CHAMBER 2013 is available on Blu-ray and DVD via Fremantle Media from May 6th