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Star Wars Land Coming To Florida In 2018


I spent all of yesterday at one of the UK’s premier theme parks, Thorpe Park in Surrey, just about twenty miles outside of London, so I’ve kind of managed to get the theme park bug again. I feel like a teenager when I walk into these special places, so I was pleasantly surprised, though not really all that surprised, that Star Wars Land is heading to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida in the very near future.

Plans to open the STAR WARS themed park will kick into gear soon for a proposed 2018 opening, smack in the middle of the planned three new STAR WARS sequel releases, although sources at Theme Park Insider say a year could be shaved off the construction plan , opening in 2017, around the time of release of the second STAR WARS EPISODE VIII is all goes well.

The word is that the new ‘world’ will include an actual Mos Eisley Cantina, extended Star Tours ride plus much, much more.

How exciting. For more, hit up Theme Park Insider.

Source: Theme Park Insider



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