It was Bullock’s first visit to Comic-Con and although she was Clooney-less for a panel on GRAVITY, she was accompanied by director and writer Alfonso Cuaron who also brought us CHILDREN OF MEN and Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN.
GRAVITY is a massively intriguing premise and even more with Sandra Bullock on-board. She’s always found a very specific place in the movie world and despite the Oscar win for THE BLIND SIDE, I’ve yet to be completely won over by her in a serious role since A TIME TO KILL but with Cuaron and Clooney alongside, there’s lot of hope for this one.
At Comic Con, they spoke about how long this venture has taken and were a shown a clip that sounds like a bit more of the astonishing teaser trailer below (that gives me shivers every time) and take note that although there’s sound in the trailer, this is set in space and Cuaron confirmed that:
“They put in explosions [in the trailer]. As we know, there is no sound in space. In the film, we don’t do that.”
They also told the audience that Bullock over 6 months physically preparing for the role, which required her to spend dozens of hours in a 9-by-9 foot cube that simulated zero gravity. She also said this about her character Dr Ryan Stone:
“I wanted her to look almost androgynous in a way, because she had experienced such loss in life … I wanted her to have a body of someone who didn’t want to remind herself of what she lost, almost like a robot.”
It’s also been confirmed that there’s just the two actors involved in GRAVITY and I, for one, can’t wait to see what they’ve come up with. Expect to see Clooney and Bullock pushed to the limits of their existence and I expect to see something wholly claustrophobic despite the endless nature of space because after all, if Gravity doesn’t pull you in then you’re forever lost in the deep blackness of space itself.
As always, we’ll be keeping an eye out for the latest news on GRAVITY here on THN.
GRAVITY is released in the UK on October 18th and in the USA on October 4th.
Dan loves writing, film, music and photography. Originally from Devon, he did London for 4 years and now resides in Exeter. He also has a mild obsession with squirrels and cake. The latter being more of a hobby.
Favourite movies include HIGH FIDELITY, ALMOST FAMOUS, ROXANNE, GOOD WILL HUNTING, JURASSIC PARK, too many Steve Martin films and Nolan's BATMAN universe.
He can also be found on