Starring: Kenji Hamada, Illich Guardiola, Kouichi Toochika, David Matranga, Mai Goto, Hilary Haag, Shizuka Itou, Allison Keith
Running Time: 256 minutes
Certificate: 15
EF: A TALE OF MELODIES is the sequel series to EF: A TALE OF MEMORIES. As such, it does a grand job of expanding upon elements from that series and exploring its characters to the full. We follow two separate stories, one set in the past and one set in the present. This allows the writers to juxtapose the goings on and draw interesting parallels between how characters were and how they are. It gives us an interesting emotional journey, but can also sometimes lead to confusion.
EF: A TALE OF MELODIES, like its predecessor, gives extensive attention to its animation. With long sections of dialogue, the screen is brought to life by a never ending cavalcade of interesting stylistic choices. It adds a visual flair to the words being spoken, but can also be distracting. It finds it hard to get the correct balance between artistic expression and just being flashy for the sake of it. Certain scenes will split audiences due to their dark nature and the animation used. A huge part of the show is one girl who was subjected to sexual abuse when she was much younger. As she reveals her past the dialogue is very powerful as is the voice acting. That alone is enough to elicit the response the makers were most likely looking for, but with so many visual cues also taking place it is hard to align thoughts, emotions, and appreciation for the craft.
For the most part, the darker story elements are handled with great care and sensitivity, but also an uncomfortable sense of honesty. Many revelations are not easy to deal with, and the show is very cautious of tackling strong issues head-on, while always maintaining a darker, and sometimes unwelcome, aspect of realism. The romance elements are also very rewarding and completely remove any trace of generic cuteness or unnecessarily sexualised characters. It’s a refreshing change that needs to be more prevalent in mainstream anime.
It may not always manage to combine its elements perfectly, but there is always something to be impressed by. Whether it’s the striking visuals or complex relationships, this is mature stuff. Some may have issue with the focus placed on characters, for if you are not a fan of the protagonists, then there isn’t much in the way of story to distract you. This may not lead to dislike, but it could lead to boredom setting in long before the series is over. EF: A TALE OF MELODIES is a different kind of show, so it’s no wonder as to why people may feel uncertain about it.
EF: A TALE OF MELODIES is released on DVD on 2nd September via MVM.
Luke likes many things, films and penguins being among them. He's loved films since the age of 9, when STARGATE and BATMAN FOREVER changed the landscape of modern cinema as we know it. His love of film extends to all aspects of his life, with trips abroad being planned around film locations and only buying products featured in Will Smith movies. His favourite films include SEVEN SAMURAI, PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC, IN BRUGES, LONE STAR, GODZILLA, and a thousand others.