Synopsis: A happily married couple Amaka (Uche Nwadili) and her husband are expecting their second child. A lot of pressure is put upon them to have a boy, and as soon as the ultrasound confirms the gender Amaka has a miscarriage. She decides to live a lie until she can find a way to ensure the addition of a baby boy to her family.
The tremendous feature-length debut by Chika Anadu is easily one of the most moving films of the year. Despite being a foreign film, nothing is lost in translation as Uche Nwadili and Nonso Odogwu are so brilliant in conveying their characters’ emotions which perform a constant loop from despair to happiness. Chika Anadu allows insight to the Nigerian culture without judgement. Importance is placed on the carrying of boys in order for a legacy and name to continue. The couple are very much portrayed as a power couple where both are educated and working in high paying industries and more importantly their relationship consists of them being equals.
Despite Amaka managing to keep her miscarriage a secret from everyone, there is an insanely frustrating plan taking part in the background involving her husband’s family and their determination to find him a woman who can carry boys – all without the knowledge of the gender of the child everyone thinks Amaka is still carrying. It is heart wrenching to see how such a thing which matters very little to both of them can still affect their lives to the extent in which it does, where, due to conventions surrounding them, they feel forced and desperate to do things which jeopardise their relationship. Amaka omits the truth to her husband while he allows his mother to continue the search for a new wife without putting her foot down, but instead entertaining the idea and in turn alienating her husband
Although the importance of having a male addition to the family is sensed by everyone, Amaka’s quiet desperation is not, leading her to some of her actions, including getting involved with a fake adoption agency and later attempting to do anything in her power to ensure that she brings a baby boy home in order to save her marriage and her dignity.
B FOR BOY is an incredibly powerful film and a great feature film breakthrough by Chika Anadu. The performances and emotions ensure that the audience fully experience the hellish ride of the couple, while shaking their head at a desperation which seems futile in this day and age.
Isra has probably seen one too many movies and has serious issues with differentiating between reality and film - which is why her phone number starts with 555. She tries to be intellectual and claims to enjoy German and Swedish film, but in reality anything with a pretty boy in it will suffice.