Starring: Jun Fukuyama, Josh Grelle, Minori Chihara, Emily Neeves, Ai Matayoshi, Joy Saxton, Ami Koshimizu, Luci Christian, Aoi Yuki, Meg McDonald
Running Time: 303 minutes
Certificate: 15
One of the most confusing animes around returns for a second season, and it’s not making much more sense. It’s clear there is a plot and deep mythology behind the show, but it is so inconsequential to the actions that take place, you kind of wish it had simplified everything. What becomes clear in this season is that the writers have tried to cram in as many anime techniques, tropes, and characters as humanly possible. Perhaps this reflects the overcrowded nature of a world forced to cram into one country, but it’s also just a bit annoying. It may have also been an intentional overdose of what we have come to expect from anime, like the most sugary icing covered donut in the bakery. It looks good, but it’s going to make you sick.
At about the halfway point in this collection of episodes, the story finally slows down and gives us some exposition in the form of political debates. It is very relieving to see some calmer moments hidden beneath all the breasts and loud fighting that takes place. Although filled with action, the fight sequences mix magic, turn based strategy, and physical fighting all coming from participants in loud and colourful clothing. This means it’s loud in terms of sound and visuals, and there is very rarely just one fight going on. The political debates actually bring about some interesting themes, and unlike the rest of the show they are handled maturely.
The characters may be awesome in terms of design, as we have everything from futuristic knights to demon looking men, but nobody gets enough screen time. Our two leads are just as two dimensional as everybody else and fall further into depravity. There must have been a reason for the main character to be naked 99% of the time, but it was probably buried among bombastic visuals. This nudity also plays into the misinterpretation of sex as the one big comic folly. It’s a joke that outstays its welcome, as non-human characters try and apply their understanding of sex to human situations.
The most interesting stuff is buried under a mountain of convoluted and indecipherable actions and plot strands. It’s hard to pinpoint what people are fighting for, and the rules of combat are very fast and loose. Beautiful designs are littered throughout, and the idea of humans trying to re-enact history is a glorious one, but should have been the main focus. Some metaphors fall flat, such as words becoming actual attacks on the battlefield, which suggests a much more intelligent and engaging story existing somewhere in the show. There are those that will love having an anime overload, but this is just for the diehards and those that like things fast and unapologetic.
HORIZON ON THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE Series 2 is released on DVD and Blu-ray on 21st October via Manga Entertainment.
Luke likes many things, films and penguins being among them. He's loved films since the age of 9, when STARGATE and BATMAN FOREVER changed the landscape of modern cinema as we know it. His love of film extends to all aspects of his life, with trips abroad being planned around film locations and only buying products featured in Will Smith movies. His favourite films include SEVEN SAMURAI, PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC, IN BRUGES, LONE STAR, GODZILLA, and a thousand others.