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Groovy! Army Of Darkness Sequel In The Pipe Line?


It’s not yet clear exactly how team Raimi could go about making a sequel to the ARMY OF DARKNESS. Bruce Campbell’s shotgun spinning champion of one liners, Ash, managed to escape the middle ages in both endings of the 90’s cult classic. So, unless he’s unlucky enough to be once again sucked through space and  time, and history has proven that he might just be, the sequel can’t be set in it’s original time period. This new speculation comes from comments made by Campbell at the Nashville Wizard World convention. The man was on top comedic form as usual and according to this is what the he had to say;

The last one was twenty-two years ago. I just Haven’t been racing to do it. Sam Raimi is just a little bit busy making the biggest movies in Hollywood. I used to be busy. Now I’m not. Thats why i’m here.

Bruce had no delusions about his age, managing to incorporate it into ideas for plot devices, yes, and the cogs begin to turn;

Ash would have to stop occasionally from chasing some deadite to catch his breath. Maybe we could do that, I guess. That would be exciting. Fight in a walker. That would be alright. Hit them with my cane. Fake them out, have a fake heart attack, distract a zombie. I like it.

He added; “Alright sir, the answer is yes.” and we can all only hope he was telling the truth, only time will tell though, stay tuned for more updates baby.



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