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Ben Kingsley Working On Secret Marvel Movie!


Earlier this year, veteran Oscar-winning actor Sir Ben Kingsley featured as the “villain” of Marvel Studios’ IRON MAN 3. There was more than a little controversy regarding his appearance as The Mandarin. Some fans going so far to say the character was cheated. Whichever the way it turned out and whether you agree, there is no denying Shane Black’s blockbuster drew in the crowds and is still the years highest-grossing picture by some distance.

However, Kingsley has confirmed that he’s not done with Marvel. Could his Trevor Slattery still have a part to play in that universe or is he involved in an altogether different project? Here’s what he had to say while promoting his sci-fi flick ENDER’S GAME:

It’s a secret Marvel project. I’m not allowed to say any more, you’re going to have to wait and see. I think they have enormous taste as creative artists. There’s nothing lazy or gratuitous about their work. They are at the top of their game, and they’re great company to keep.

Producer Kevin Feige was also asked about Kingsley’s mystery project but refused to comment. What so you guys think?


Craig was our great north east correspondent, proving that it’s so ‘grim up north’ that losing yourself in a world of film is a foregone prerequisite. He has been studying the best (and often worst) of both classic and modern cinema at the University of Life for as long as he can remember. Craig’s favorite films include THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, JFK, GOODFELLAS, SCARFACE, and most of John Carpenter’s early work, particularly THE THING and HALLOWEEN.



  1. Spongebob Squarepants

    Oct 22, 2013 at 4:12 pm

    He’s starring as punisher! Psyche! He’s starring as dead pool! Psyche! He’s starting as wolverine! Psyche! Shane Black is an ahole. Ruined IM3

  2. DNAsplitter

    Oct 22, 2013 at 5:19 pm

    Maybe in a twist he really is the “real” Mandarin and that he wanted to be captured and sent to some prison because he wanted to get to someone inside of this remote/secret prison. Just wishful thinking so that we can finally have the real mandarin and not some knock off.

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