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Bruce Campbell: ‘Army of Darkness’ And ‘Evil Dead’ Sequel Rumours Are Internet B.S.

Bruce Campbell

Last month, Bruce Campbell, who portrayed the iconic Ash in THE EVIL DEAD and its sequels EVIL DEAD 2 and ARMY OF DARKNESS, appeared to tease a follow-up to the third film at the Nashville Wizard World convention.

Rumours of a new film have been circulating for a while now. Back in March, Rob Tapert, producer of the EVIL DEAD films and long-time colleague of their director Sam Raimi, said that Raimi and his brother Ivan would be writing a direct sequel to the original ARMY OF DARKNESS, a time-travel action-fantasy-comedy set in the Middle Ages that has become a cult favourite for its ridiculousness and Campbell’s one-liners. Of the next film in the EVIL DEAD franchise, he said:

‘That would be ARMY OF DARKNESS 2… Everybody calls it EVIL DEAD 4 but ARMY OF DARKNESS wasn’t called EVIL DEAD anywhere except by the fans.’

Additionally, at this year’s WonderCon, Campbell and the director of the brilliantly bloody 2013 reboot/re-imagining EVIL DEAD, Fede Alvarez, suggested there would be both a new Alvarez-directed EVIL DEAD 2 and an ARMY OF DARKNESS 2, which would be followed by a cross-over film. Unfortunately this turned out to be untrue; Alvarez announced this would not happen on his Twitter account last month:

So the big question is, will Ash be returning to kick some more undead butt? Sadly, that doesn’t seem to be the case. At another convention, Comikaze in L.A., Campbell denied the rumours that sprouted from his own comments:

‘It’s all Internet B.S. – there’s no reality whatsoever.  These random comments slip out of my mouth or Sam Raimi’s mouth, next thing you know, we’re making a sequel’.

Campbell also confirmed that Alvarez has started work on a new film and that it is not EVIL DEAD 2.

It is possible that he may direct the film in the future, but for now at least, the franchise is staying dead.

Source: ShockTillYouDrop

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