After the disappointing GHOSTBUSTERS 2 followed one of the most popular films of the early 80’s the GHOSTBUSTERS franchise has been left in a state of limbo, with the only legitimate development being the two animated Television series’ that were released shortly after the first and second films.
A third film in the franchise has been teased for a long time by former Ghostbuster Dan Aykroyd with Sony seemingly eager for the original team to once again put on the iconic proton packs. The only hurdle has been Bill Murray’s involvement, after a long back and fourth between Aykroyd, Sony and the general public it has become very clear Mr Murray has no desire whatsoever to reprise his role as Peter Venkman. Now it seems that Sony is finally ready to press ahead with long stalled GHOSTBUSTERS 3 without Bill Murray, as a new rumour claims that offers have been made to two of the most highly talented and demanded young actors in Hollywood.
Jonah Hill (21 JUMP STREET) and Emma Stone (THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) have both been offered roles in the upcoming sequel, if they accept then they will play the parts of Jeremy and Anna. Who Jeremy and Anna are is unclear at the moment but it’s safe to assume they would be part of a new younger generation of Ghostbusters possibly even children of the original members. It’s to early to get excited yet but we can certainly be cautiously optimistic that GHOSTBUSTERS 3 is inching ever closer to getting the greenlight from Sony. The possible involvement of these two actors is definitely an exciting prospect after losing leading actor Bill Murray and it would be great to see them work together again after the brilliant SUPERBAD.
We’ll update you with any more news on GHOSTBUSTERS 3.
Source: Schmoes Know