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An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty Review

An Oversimplification Of Her BeautyDirector: Terence Nance.

Starring: Terence Nance, Namik Minter.

Running Time: 84 minutes.

Certificate: 12A.

Synopsis: An experimental filmmaker asks us, “How would you feel?” as he examines a relationship that is on the fence between plutonic and true love.

This isn’t a film. It’s an experimental reflection of an individual and certain events through which they have lived. Although, that’s giving it far too much credit. AN OVERSIMPLIFICATION OF HER BEAUTY is so esoteric that it makes absolutely no attempt to connect with anyone, other than Terence Nance himself. Films don’t have to be for entertainment, information, or thought-provoking discussion, but by making something so personal, it’s the cinematic equivalent of releasing your diary and expecting people to care.

The film sees Nance as he explores how he feels about a relationship stuck in the ‘will they won’t they’ purgatory of many a man’s nightmares. That in itself would be fine, but the film is self-indulgent nonsense that comes across like a self-help guide. The entire first half is accompanied by constant voiceover which seems to have been written by someone with their eyes forever flicking through a thesaurus. We’re spoken to in a second person narrative style as we are repetitively asked, “How would you feel?” which is the extent of any connection made with the audience.

On top of the uncomfortable non-narrative, Nance will represent his points any way he can. Like a film student discovering editing, animation, and many other technical features for the first time, Nance fails to demonstrate restraint, which may be why he has such difficulty with relationships in the first place. There’s no ‘in’ to this film, and so failing to engage from the outset means it’s a long and laborious journey. Halfway through it attempts to become meta by diagnosing itself as a film and asking Namik – the object of Nance’s affection – how she feels about the whole process. This is of some interest, but is spoiled by needless moments such as editing out the questions in an interview segment, or presenting thoughts and feelings as a trailer.

The film needn’t have been so difficult to comprehend. Had it been a straighter documentary, it actually would have been a fascinating watch. Seeing a vulnerable man question his emotions in an honest way would have been worthwhile. Unfortunately, Nance seems terrified of truly baring himself, hiding behind (admittedly interesting) animated sequences and pseudo-psychological nonsense. There’s probably an audience out there for this kind of film, but they would have to relate to the exact events as well as being a bit self-centered. Now that Nance has tried to do everything in a single film, perhaps he should try for a less is more approach.

[usr=1] AN OVERSIMPLIFICATION OF HER BEAUTY is released in select UK cinemas on Friday 7th February, 2014.

Luke likes many things, films and penguins being among them. He's loved films since the age of 9, when STARGATE and BATMAN FOREVER changed the landscape of modern cinema as we know it. His love of film extends to all aspects of his life, with trips abroad being planned around film locations and only buying products featured in Will Smith movies. His favourite films include SEVEN SAMURAI, PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC, IN BRUGES, LONE STAR, GODZILLA, and a thousand others.

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