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First Images From ‘Posh’ Released

Prepare your best screaming voices fangirls because the first images from Lone Scherfig’s POSH have hit the internet today, and they don’t disappoint; just look at Douglas Booth’s pose! There’s more hot young acting talent in this adaptation of Laura Wade’s hit play than we know what to do with quite frankly. Booth, Sam Claflin, Max Irons, Sam Reid, Freddie Fox, Matthew Beard and Olly Alexander all star in the tale of rich boys misbehaving at Oxford University as they try to gain access to the exclusive Riot Club.

POSH is believed to be loosely based on the actions of Oxford’s Bullingdon Club; which had famous members such as Boris Johnson and David Cameron amongst its’ ranks.  Enough backstory; here’s those newly released pictures:



POSH also stars Natalie Dormer and Jessica Brown-Findlay and is released in cinemas on September 19th.

Source: Empire

Originally from deep in the London suburbs Vicky is now enjoying the novelty of being able to catch a night bus home from anywhere in the city. Her favourite films are anything John Hughes is involved in, SAY ANYTHING and DEAD POETS SOCIETY. Don't mention the rumour she once served cold tea to Robert Webb and Olivia Coleman. Find her on twitter @chafferty

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