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Denzel Washington Plays It Cool In ‘The Equalizer’ First Trailer

Denzel Washington is back to his bad-ass best in the first trailer for action thriller THE EQUALIZER. If there was a quote that summed up a hefty amount of Washington’s roles then this one from the new trailer pretty much hits the nail on the head:

“One day someone does something unspeakable to someone you hardly knew, so you do something about it because no-one else is going to”.

In THE EQUALIZER that someone he hardly knows is a troubled young girl played by Chloe Grace Moretz. Denzel, a former black ops commando, thinks he’s saved her from her pimps but unwittingly he’s actually managed to get involved with the Russian mafia. Easy mistake Denzel, easy mistake. The movie is adapted from an 1980s TV show and puts the TRAINING DAY dream team of Washington and director Antoine Fuqua back together.  Since TRAINING DAY Fuqua has had mixed success; his most prominent movie being 2013’s OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN. If the trailer is anything to go by we reckon Fuqua might just be back to his best. Sony Pictures obviously thinks so as a sequel is already in development! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves; watch THE EQUALIZER trailer here:

Also starring Melissa Leo and Bill Pullman THE EQUALIZER is released in UK cinemas on 26th September.

Source: Youtube

Originally from deep in the London suburbs Vicky is now enjoying the novelty of being able to catch a night bus home from anywhere in the city. Her favourite films are anything John Hughes is involved in, SAY ANYTHING and DEAD POETS SOCIETY. Don't mention the rumour she once served cold tea to Robert Webb and Olivia Coleman. Find her on twitter @chafferty

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