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Alec Baldwin And Danny Glover Land On ‘Andron’

Alec Baldwin Danny Glover

This is an intriguing one. AMBI Pictures (run by the exotically-named Andrea Iervolino and Lady Monika Bacardi) are making a sci-fi action movie about young people in peril called ANDRON and to lend heft to their project they have signed a couple of acting heavyweights to bolster the cast, namely Alec Baldwin and Danny Glover. The plot, that reads like YA variation on CUBE, sees a group of photogenics trapped in a labyrinthine network from which they must use their loaves in order to unlock its secrets and ultimately survive. Throw in what sounds like a reality TV element and you’re left with a derivative but hopefully engrossing film that won’t exactly be hurt by having Baldwin and Glover on board.

Their roles are unspecified, but they join an eclectic cast that includes Skin (who Nineties kids may remember as the lead singer of Skunk Anansie) and Michelle Ryan. Franceso Cinquemani will write/direct and the project will shoot in Malta and Italy starting this month. Title-wise I’m reminded of ARGO, but fingers crossed this is going to be more than an elaborate smokescreen and overcome the tag of “Europudding” to provide serious competition to the likes of THE MAZE RUNNER.

Source: ComingSoon

Steve is a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. His short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.

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