One of the longest standing superhero franchises on the cinematic screen, the X-Men, will once more appear on the big screen in 2016 with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. The film, this time set in the 1980’s, will follow stars of previous films X-MEN: FIRST CLASS, and X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. The story will also introduce us to the younger versions of Storm, Cyclops and Jean Grey who will help battle Oscar Isaac’s titular villain.
Screenwriter Simon Kinberg has been talking about what audiences can expect from the plot and has revealed that a familiar face from a past film will make a return. Last time we saw Moira MacTaggert who had had her mind and memories wiped after helping Professor X and Magneto during the events of FIRST CLASS. According to Kinberg, MacTaggert played by Rose Byrne, will make a return to the franchise as a significant character.
As well as confirming the return of Professor X’s former flame, Kinberg also shared that APOCALYPSE will mark an end to certain character’s journeys.
This movie is the completion of the first arcs of Charles, Eric, Raven, and Hank, who are essentially our main characters. They’re such young actors and young characters, so there’s a lot more story to tell. But as a first phase of their lives, there is this feeling of closure by the end of the movie.
Are you ready for the end of James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence’s time as mutants?
X-MEN: APOCALYPSE will be released on 27th May 2016.
Source: Entertainment Weekly