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Five Marvel Movies we are Waiting to Get the Green Light

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Marvel have such a huge Universe of characters that they are almost lost for choice when it comes to movies they can make. With Deadpool finally being made though, this is a sign that Marvel can divert from the more popular superheroes like the Avengers, and bring the lesser known characters to life.

If they did this, this will lead to all kinds of marketing potential, and even explore casino games. The question is, which Marvel characters are out there waiting for their chance on the big screen?

One choice could be the Power Pack, which were part of a popular comic series from the 80s. Featuring four kids between the ages of 5 and 12 they of course had superpowers. These had been given to them by a dying alien in order to fight off an incoming invasion. This would be an interesting spin on the superhero genre, and may be a wise choice for a Marvel movie.

Moving into the teen bracket, we have the Runaways. These were a group of more dysfunctional super characters who were in fact children of super-criminals who had chosen to use their powers for good. Featuring more female characters than male, this would be an interesting choice in movies, especially when there is a call for more female representation in the Marvel world. The question is could the Runaways manage to pull themselves out of the Avengers’ shadow?

Cloak and Dagger is similar to Runaways in that it featured young characters. This time it was Ty Johnson and Tandy Bowen both runaways from home. When they accidently gain super powers they use them to wage war against the drug world that is taking over the streets of New York.

Shang-Chi is a movie that could be made, and with its wartime setting could harken back to the first Captain America movie and the popularity it had. With Iron Fist getting his own movie, could this be a character that has the potential to make it onto the big screen? There seems a good chance, but we’ll have to see what Marvel do.

Namor the Sub-Mariner is a character that will inevitably make his way to the big screen, it is only a matter of time. The question is, does he deserve his own movie? As the King of Atlantis, and a member of the Illuminati there is a good argument for his inclusion in the Marvel world, so don’t be surprised when this superhero rises from the waves.

The world of Marvel is huge, whether it be in comic form, television, on the big screen, or in games. With so many movies in the planning, it is interesting to see what lesser characters appear to be getting ignored. Maybe given time though, they can be given their chance to shine. Could this mean we see Namor finally on the screen? I hope so, because he is one character that fits in this new Marvel universe.

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