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Has the Game Of Thrones season 7 air date been leaked?

Usually we’re preparing to return to Westeros around April time, but this year, the new season of Game Of Thrones was reportedly pushed right back. Some speculatedt hat if could even be late summer/ autumn by the time it returns, but a leaked bit of information was dropped online that may make you have.

We must say that the following is 100% unconfirmed by HBO though. This appeared on a Game Of Thrones fan feed on Twitter earlier this week (which we missed completely until now):

So, June 25th 2017 in the U.S. (the UK usually gets it 24 hours later) – that’s around five months to wait, and only three months later than normal, which we’re kind cool about really.

So, as e said, unconfirmed, but pretty cool nonetheless. More as we get it.


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