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James Cameron’s Avatar sequels have new release dates

20th Century Fox spend some time filling in and switching release dates over the weekend and James Cameron’s bunch of Avatar sequel all have new slots. There are four new sequels planned to the ‘biggest film of all time,’ and will keep us busy with our 3D specs on in cinemas until the year 2025. The news was announced over the weekend on the film’s official Facebook page.

So, Avatar 2 will debut in multiplexes on December 18th 2020, Avatar 3 on December 17th 2021, and then it will be a couple of years wait until the next film, which will hit on December 20th 2024, while the last film currently in development will land on December 19th 2025.

Avatar was released all the way back in 2009, so there will be a huge 11 year gap between the original film’s release date and the first sequel. It still remains the highest-grossing film of all time, taking in a massive $2.8 billion at the global box-office.

There are currently no films currently penciled in for those release dates, but obviously the week before Christmas is a big slot for a Star Wars film currently, with Lucasfilm and Disney releasing both Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Rogue One around those aforementioned dates. Will the Avatar release dates change Disney’s plans? Well, they haven’t officially set anything in stone past Star Wars Episode 9, which will hit cinemas in the winter of 2019, so it is anyone’s guess presently.

We’ll be sure to let you know as soon as we do.


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