Reel FX Animation Studios and director Jorge R. Gutierrez are planning a sequel to The Book Of Life, the 2014 animated movie set around Mexico’s Day of the Dead. The first film, one of the most successful independently produced animated movies ever, follows the life of Manolo (voiced by Diego Luna), a young man who’s stuck between the choices of fulfilling expectations set by his family to keep up with tradition, or following the hopes of his heart. It’s produced by visual deity Guillermo del Toro, with wonderful direction coming from Jorge R. Gutierrez, who co-wrote with Doug Langdale. More on The Book Of Life sequel below.
Book Of Life sequel set with original filmmakers returning
The Book Of Life sequel will one again be directed by Gutierrez, who spoke to Variety following the announcement.
“The sequel grew from that and people asking what was gonna happen with the characters, what’s gonna happen to the gods? The sequel embraces all these things and, in a weird way, is a continuation of the story with everybody you love from the first movie.”
“I am a big fan of romantic movies. I always want to find out what happens afterwards. That’s one question we will ask during the sequel,” Gutierrez added.
We loved the original film, saying in our home entertainment review:
The Book Of Life is a distinctive animation that defies your regular story-telling and echoes the best of Disney at its most vibrant but, quite significantly, creates its own world in which to lose yourself. Go celebrate life!
The sequel is early talks at the moment, and considering that this is an animated movie, which does take a little while to pull together, expect a release date to be some way off in the future. We will bring you more as we hear it though.