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Next ‘Paranormal Activity’ to be scripted by Christopher Landon?

Paramount Pictures

Here’s an interesting bit of news from our friends over at the Evolution of Horror podcast in regards to an update on the planned Paranormal Activity sequel that is being set up over at Paramount Pictures with Blumhouse Productions pulling the strings.

It seems that Christopher Landon may be returning for the planned 2021 installment as producer Jason Blum confirmed.

Blum told the podcast, “We are doing a new Paranormal Activity. We have Chris Landon, who wrote almost all of them, he directed one of them, he’s really kind of the showrunner of the Paranormal Activity series, and he’s coming up with Paranormal Activity 7. Which is not the title of the movie, but it is the seventh Paranormal Activity.”

So far, the six Paranormal Activity movies released to date have scored a massive $890 million in global returns, all of which from relatively small budgets (the combined budgets for all of the movies reportedly comes to just $28.5 million.

Landon is obviously a great choice to return and we’ll be intrigued to see what they do with a new movie in the series. The release date has been set for 19th March 2021. More as it comes in.


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