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Check out the trailer new horror movie ‘Hosts’

This one starts rolling out in October.

A trailer has landed for an upcoming possession horror movie by the name of Hosts. The film, set at Christmas where an innocent couple become possessed, is directed by Adam Leader and Richard Oakes and will land in some territories very soon. Amongst the cast are Neal Ward, Samantha Loxley, Frank Jakeman, Nadia Lamin, Lee Hunter , Jennifer Preston, and Buddy Skelton.


Here’s the synopsis.

On Christmas Eve, an innocent couple become hosts to a malicious entity. Throughout the night they proceed to terrorize a family of five in unimaginably violent and disturbing ways. But these demonic possessions won’t end with this unfortunate family; they mark just the beginning of a horrific worldwide epidemic. Beneath its nerve-jangling suspense, the film offers a dark and bloody insight into how lying to your loved ones can not only alienate them, it can completely destroy your bonds with them forever.

Dark Sky Films will release the film on demand in North America from 2nd October. More territories will follow.


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