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Home Entertainment: ‘Cowspiracy’ review

The film is now streaming on Netflix.

We often hear a variety of reasons why giving meat the flick is a good idea. According to research, red meat consumption increases the risk of death due to diabetes, heart disease and stroke. This is staggering when we consider that over a quarter of deaths in the UK are due to heart and circulatory diseases. Cowspiracy, however, looks at the topic of why we should all be eating a plant-based diet from an all together different perspective. 

“Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean ‘dead zones,’ and virtually every other environmental ill. Yet it goes on, almost entirely unchallenged,” or so goes the premise of the documentary film.

Cowspiracy explores how our diets can contribute to the exploitation of our environment. In particular, the documentary takes a deep dive into a number of very specific issues, including deforestation, exploitation of natural resources, global warming and water use. The film’s claims are backed by statistical data and animated infographics. For instance, did you know that livestock production caused 18 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions? This is more than transportation, which only accounts for 13 percent of all emissions.

Cowspiracy also looks at how some environmental organizations have dealt, or rather not dealt, with the issue of livestock production’s impact on our environment. For example, an interview with the deputy executive director of Sierra Club, Bruce Hamilton, demonstrates that animal agriculture is not something that the organization takes into account when looking at causes of climate change. The film goes on to allege that many environmental groups rely on financial donations, and as such do not want to bite the hand that feeds them. 

“Being anti-meat and promoting plant-based diets and supplements could potentially hurt environmental organizations, so many of them keep quiet. This is despite the fact that overall fruit, vegetables, legumes and grains, which are rich in vitamins, fiber and nutrients, are much better for our health than consuming a meat-based diet. And now it turns out that they are also better for our environment,” stated a spokesman from

Loss of funds is not the only threat to those who speak out against the livestock industry. In the film, a spokesperson for Amazon Watch said that in the past two decades, over 1,000 rainforest activists have been killed in Brazil. In America, a former cattleman who was interviewed in Cowspiracy was sued by the cattle industry for his statements on Oprah.

All in all, Cowspiracy’s message is loud and clear. The earth is being severely affected by our consumption of meat and dairy. And while it is unrealistic that we all suddenly become vegan, every little step counts. So next time you are at a restaurant, consider opting for that salad instead of a steak. Your body and the earth will thank you. 

Cowspiracy is now streaming on Netflix.


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