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Trailer for incoming ‘Imperial Blue’ – continent-hopping thriller set for release in January

A reality-bending thriller that travels across three continents before landing in the forests of central Africa.

Here’s a look at a film coming our way in the first part of 2021. Imperial Blue is directed by Dan Moss and is described as a reality-bending thriller that travels across three continents before landing in the forests of central Africa. The full synopsis is below.

Hugo Winter, a roguish American drug smuggler, is on a mission to find mystical substance Bulu – a rare and sacred powder which gives the user the power of prophecy. Following his visions, he travels to Uganda, where he meets two mysterious sisters who offer to help him. As they journey deeper into the forest together, their uneasy alliance comes apart with horrifying consequences.

Shot with a local cast and crew, Dan Moss’ hallucinatory feature film lands on digital on 18th February. Here’s the trailer.


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