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Trailer drops for Timur Bekmambetov’s screen-set ‘Profile’

The film was first screened at Berlin in 2018.

Here’s the trailer for a film that has been sitting on the shelf for a little while, Timur Bekmambetov’s computer screen-set Profile, which first debuted at film festivals back in 2018. We actually caught this at LFF back in2018, calling it ‘a genius piece of original, inventive filmmaking that will have you gripped from start to finish. What’s more – and I did not know this until the end credits – it’s all based on a true story.’ I can’t wait to see this again.

PROFILE follows an undercover British journalist in her quest to bait and expose a terrorist recruiter through social media, while trying not to be sucked in by her recruiter and lured into becoming a militant extremist herself. In Theaters May 14.

We also said that the film ‘is intricately designed – very well-paced, and so very edgy. It is truly intense, not because of what is happening on-screen, but more what could or is about to happen. Despite its set-up, it is a film which needs to be see n on a big screen, in a dark room with others. At various points, I wanted to exit the auditorium, and I know I wasn’t alone. What the film does is pull you in, so no matter how much you want to leave, you won’t, as you want to see how it all ends.’

CHeck out the full review at the end of the link above.

Profile will start to roll out from May [14th], starting with the U.S. where this new trailer originated from via Focus Features. Check it out below.


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