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Trailer lands for FrightFest debuter ‘When The Screaming Starts’

Here’s a look at one of the films to debut at this coming weekend’s FrightFest, When The Screaming Starts, a genre movie described as a comedy-horror mockumentary about an inept, aspiring serial killer at the beginning of his “career” and a fledgling filmmaker willing to do anything to achieve his ambition.

We’ll have a full review of this when the festival kicks off at the weekend, but here’s a taster of the movie which looks really rather good.

Here’s the full synopsis:

When Norman Graysmith is invited into the home of an aspiring serial killer, Aidan Mendle, he believes he has found the subject for the documentary that will transform his failing career. Initially the production goes well with Aidan freely opening up about his desire to kill, but when his early attempt at committing murder falls apart, things begin to unravel.

Aidan desperately tries to maintain his position as the next Charles Manson by starting a murder cult, interviewing prospective members for what he affectionately calls his “family”. The potential candidates provide a rich tapestry of misfits, from the lost and confused to the (most likely) psychopathic. Events begin to spiral out of control and Norman watches his dreams crumbling around him.

Here’s the trailer.


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