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Trailer for ‘My Son’ with James McAvoy and Claire Foy

This one starts to roll out this month.

A trailer has arrived for the upcoming drama My Son, a new film starring James McAvoy and Claire Foy which sees McAvoy front and centre in an unscripted part that sees the actor improvise throughout. This one has been picked up by Peacock stateside for a release next week (September 15th).

Driving in the heart of the Highlands, Edmond Murray (James McAvoy) receives a call from his ex-wife (Claire Foy), in tears. Their 7-year-old son went missing from a campsite. Soon it becomes clear that the child was kidnapped and the parents give way to despair.

McAvoy only had a brief outline of his character for the narrative while his co-stars had more fleshed out roles and more knowledge of the story. Sounds intriguing.

Christian Carion directs having co-wrote the script with Laure Irrmann.

Here’s the trailer.


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