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Mel Gibson reportedly to direct ‘Lethal Weapon 5’

Some rather big news for you this Monday evening. It seems that Mel Gibson is set to step into his directing shoes once again for the fifth film in the Lethal Weapon series. Speaking at an event in London over the weekend ‘An Experience With…”, Gibson commented on the state of the new sequel which has been in the works for ages.

The man who directed all the Lethal films, Richard Donner, he was a big guy,” Gibson said.

“He was developing the screenplay and he got pretty far along with it. And he said to me one day, ‘Listen kid, if I kick the bucket you will do it.’ And I said: ‘Shut up.’ But he did indeed pass away.”

He went on: “But he did ask me to do it and at the time I didn’t say anything. He said it to his wife and to the studio and the producer. So I will be directing the fifth one.”

No news on when this new one will happen, but there are scripts for this one out there, and there have been many rewrites over many years.

Deadline reports that the film is being developed for HBO Max but we don’t know much more than that.

None of this has been confirmed officially and the story is developing, but we’ll keep you posted.


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