The beloved universe of Westeros and the Seven Kingdoms will be back soon: House of the Dragon, a prequel to Game of Thrones, will be hitting our screens on August 21. Set two centuries before the events of Game of Thrones, the new fantasy TV show will dive into the history of House Targaryen, their familial feuds, and the gruesome fight for power between the heirs to the throne. A new poster for the upcoming HBO show was just released, firing up fans’ anticipation and excitement. If you’re not hyped up for the Game of Thrones prequel based on George R. R. Martin’s book “Fire & Blood” yet, here are three reasons to get excited.
The author George R. R. Martin is excited
Who would be better to judge the TV show than the author of the books the series is based on? Game of Thrones and Fire & Blood author George R. R. Martin has already seen some rough cuts of the episodes and has nothing but praise to share on his blog. Even though he hadn’t seen much of the SFX yet, he was very impressed by what HBO, the directors and the writers had created. He even went as far as to claim the team behind the show had made some improvements, while sticking to Martin’s story in the book Fire & Blood. He especially praised the acting and writing for the character of King Viserys, played by Paddy Considine, and praised how there were a lot of great performances in the upcoming show. If Martin himself is excited, then so are we.
More dragons are headed our way
House of the Dragon is set 200 years before Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons, stepped out of the fire with her three dragons. While the dragons had been extinct at the time of Game of Thrones with Daenerys’ dragons being the last of their kind, House of the Dragon is set during the era of the dragon riders when the fierce and awe-inspiring creatures ruled the skies and the Targaryens reigned over the kingdom with their fiery companions. That can only mean one thing: We’ll get to see a lot more of the fantastic, winged creatures in House of the Dragon. The new poster for the upcoming show plays on that fact perfectly, with a huge menacing dragon’s head looking at us from behind Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. With the Targaryens taking center stage in the new show, we can rest assured plenty of dragon action will be heading our way.
We’ll return to the celebrated universe of Westeros
With Game of Thrones, HBO created an epic fantasy series that took the world by storm and had fans from across the globe talking about Westeros and its powerful characters for almost an entire decade. The show based on George R. R. Martin’s book “A Song Of Ice And Fire” became much more than a TV show and turned into a true cultural phenomenon. In the meantime, many games based on the series and books have been created, such as the episodic graphic adventure Game Of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series which brings the story to life through powerful dialogues and motion capturing. HBO’s series has even made it into the realm of casino games all around the world. As online casinos are nowadays available in almost every part of the planet, experts are reviewing and rating platforms for certain regions, such as the best-rated online casinos Qatar that can help players find a safe site to play on. With that, Game of Thrones fans from around the globe can play the popular Game of Thrones Online Slots which depict symbols from the famous show on its reels. The fantasy series has long transcended our TV screens and influenced our modern popular culture. With House of the Dragon, this cultural phenomenon is back for a second round, and we can’t wait to jump back into the fantasy universe. Very soon fans can head back to Westeros and dive into the action, intrigue, twists, and never-ending fight for the coveted Iron Throne in House of the Dragon. Set centuries before the events of Game of Thrones, fans of the epic fantasy show are in for a treat. House of the Dragon will start streaming on HBO Max in the US and on Sky Atlantic in the UK on August 21.
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