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Road to FrightFest 2022: Erik and Carson Bloomquist on ’She Came From the Woods’

Last October, THN spoke with filmmaking brothers Erik and Carson Bloomquist for their co-scribed film, Night at the Eagle Inn. Now less than a year later, they already have another film ready – She Came From the Woods – with yet another in post-production. Although they write together, it is Erik Bloomquist who directs, and often also stars in their projects, making the pair some of the busiest people on the indie circuit. Their hard work is paying off though as She Came From the Woods gets its World Premiere on Arrow Video FrightFest’s main screen on Saturday. 

She Came From the Woods

In this ode to ‘80s horror, a group of counsellors accidentally unleash a decades-old evil on the last night of summer camp. As the mayhem and madness turn bloody, the staff of Camp Briarbrook is forced to confront what stories are worth telling and what secrets are worth keeping. It is a coming-of-age horror movie rooted in themes of familial legacy, the dangers of group-thinking, and the motives behind the stories we tell and the secrets we keep.

She Came From the Woods is a kitsch throwback to the bygone slashers, which lies somewhere between American Horror Story 1984 and Fear Street 1978, with some Friday the 13th level deaths thrown into the mix. It’s sure to play well in front of the FrightFest crowd, adding some much welcome fun on Saturday afternoon. 

As part of THN’s Road to FrightFest series, Erik and Carson joined us on a Zoom call to discuss the film. We discussed what the FrightFest family can expect when they settle in with She Came From the Woods, how they’re feeling about seeing their movie blown up to IMAX size, and how work on their sixth feature, Intermedium, is progressing. 

She Came From the Woods screens at Arrow Video FrightFest on Saturday 27th August at 1:15pm. Tickets for She Came From the Woods can be purchased by heading to the FrightFest website here.

Kat Hughes is a UK born film critic and interviewer who has a passion for horror films. An editor for THN, Kat is also a Rotten Tomatoes Approved Critic. She has bylines with Ghouls Magazine, Arrow Video, Film Stories, Certified Forgotten and FILMHOUNDS and has had essays published in home entertainment releases by Vinegar Syndrome and Second Sight. When not writing about horror, Kat hosts micro podcast Movies with Mummy along with her five-year-old daughter.


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