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The Success of Catalogs in the Online Entertainment Industry

Among the most noticeable upheavals and changes that have affected society over the past few decades, the one affecting cinema has very few equals in size, scope, and significance, and will most likely continue to influence the industry in the years to come, leading it toward new changes that will forever change its original face. Along with the cinema, entertainment itself has also changed over the years, giving expression to a general shift in individual tastes that has affected millions of people around the world, regardless of their age group, education, or cinematic tastes. 

Without fully realizing it, we ourselves are the architects of the change, thanks to the choices we have made (perhaps unknowingly) over the past few years. By choosing to invest money, time, and resources in a platform such as Netflix, for example, we have basically chosen to give up a certain kind of cinema forever, sacrificing the quality of films on the altar of convenience and immediacy offered by the famous online platform. For most people, who nowadays don’t even seem to have time to enjoy a cup of coffee in peace, the possibility of going home and having film or television content to screen right away, without any effort, must certainly seem like an attractive prospect, certainly one of the most attractive ever. 

Why waste time searching for a movie or TV series that might suit our personal tastes (assuming they still exist), when we have a virtually unlimited catalog in front of us in which to find content to screen instantly? The answer is simple, even obvious, and is there for all to see. Our individual choices have already contributed decisively to changing our tastes, even our perceptions of cinema and television series, and it will remain so in the future: we will be the main drivers of change, through the choices we make every day. 

The Evolution of Cinema 

When it comes to cinema and entertainment, a clear distinction must be made between the online and offline spheres, although most likely-hopefully later than ever-this difference will eventually cease altogether, fading into an all-encompassing unity in which there will be no place for any differentiation, and in which the Web and the Net will be the absolute (and only) protagonists. Nowadays, people do not go to the cinema for the love of movies, but to spend a pleasant evening with food, drink, and friends. The movie completely takes a back seat, as if it were a useful filler to more pleasantly spend the interval between drinks and dinner, or to prepare in the best possible way for the social drinking that will conclude the evening. 

No one goes to the cinema just to see a movie. Entertainment has also changed profoundly because of this, because of the growing need – on the part of people – to combine different kinds of entertainment into a single experience, as if just one of them (such as simply watching a movie, for example) was no longer enough to satisfy people’s expectations and tastes. Something very similar is also happening online, where people are no longer satisfied with watching one movie at a time: they now want serial content, which gives them the illusion of lasting forever, in the hope that the fun will never end. 

The Role of Catalogs 

Another element that has contributed decisively to increasing the attractiveness of online portals, such as PrimeVideo or Netflix, is certainly that related to the grouping of content in extremely vast and very easy-to-use online catalogs, which allow comfortable enjoyment of content to audiences of all ages, regardless of their digital experience. 

To demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of this strategy for online entertainment, based essentially on the richness of the catalogs, it is enough to take a look at the best online portals dedicated to gambling, which for the past few years have begun to offer impressive amounts of extremely safe sites where to find casino games, including the best live casinos online, giving each user the opportunity to find his or her favorite game among all those proposed by the site. The possibility of redeeming exclusive bonuses, in addition to the undisputed reliability of the individual sites and their quick payouts, makes these portals even more enjoyable, turning them for all intents and purposes into genuine sources of entertainment for all tastes. 

On our choices, even the most insignificant ones, will depend the quality of entertainment with which we will entertain ourselves in the future, all the days of our lives.


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