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Best Movies Based On Video Games

Warner Bros.

When it comes to entertainment, there’s always a source of inspiration behind it. And it’s often the case that one source of entertainment can inspire another, as we have seen with movies that video games have inspired over the years. And, believe it or not, there have been some outstanding examples.

Street Fighter

We begin our list with Street Fighter, one of the most renowned video games of all time. Now Street Fighter, as a game, has not only inspired other games, such as when it went from the arcade floor to become a video game and even joining the ranks of one of the most popular online slots games found at Foxy Games and other licensed online casino operators. But it’s also been turned into a movie, one which starred Kylie Minogue, a huge star at the time. Of course, as everyone knows, Street Fighter is a game where characters fight to the death, and the film featured similar battles, with Jean-Claude Van Damme perfect in the lead role.

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat, in many ways, is similar to Street Fighter. Both games made it via the arcade floor, and they featured fighting first and foremost. The key to Mortal Kombat’s success as a game was its simplicity, and this carried through into the movie, which is arguably why it was so well-received. The film hit screens in 1995 and sees a group of fighters gather together to do battle—nothing more, nothing less. And what makes the movie even better is that it inspires nostalgia for those who enjoyed playing the game.

Detective Pikachu

Pokemon remains one of the most popular video games of all time. And while the Pokemon franchise appeared to come on the scene, enjoy a ton of success, and then things naturally calmed down. The release of Pokemon Go reignited the scene, and there have since been hugely popular games, with Detective Pikachu hitting screens in 2019 to build on the recent return to the fore of the franchise. While movies such as Detective Pikachu can often miss the target, this film was hugely successful, with Ryan Reynolds taking on the role of Pikachu himself, much to the delight of viewers.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

The Tomb Raider video game series is another that has always been hugely popular with gamers. And, you could suggest that it was always going to result in a movie or two being made off the back of it, primarily because it bucked the trend of having a male protagonist. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, which debuted in 2001, was one of the first video game-inspired movies that had a big budget to work with, and it was great. It starred Angelina Jolie and Daniel Craig, who were both praised for their roles.

Video games will continue to inspire movies, especially with how advanced games are today. And it’s also likely that the same will continue to happen in reverse, too, with films going on to be the inspiration behind video games as well. It’s further evidence of just how influential different forms of entertainment are.


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