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‘Caligula’ getting 2023 re-release with ‘MMXX’ edit

The 1979 film Caligula is getting a re-release in 2023. The new cut is titled Caligula MMXX and will hit screens sometime later this year. According to the official website, the new version author and archivist Thomas Negovan has worked on ‘a new edit of the film conforming to the original Gore Vidal script in honor of the 40th anniversary, designated as Caligula MMXX. This new edit of the film is three hours long.’

Malcolm McDowell, Teresa Ann Savoy, Helen Mirren, Peter O’Toole, John Steiner and John Gielgud star in the film, which was met with huge controversy upon its original release. This was mostly due to the extensive unsimulated sex scenes that appear in the film, added without the approval of writer Gore Vidal’s approva. Vidal went on to disavow the film, and had his name removed from the credits, as did director Tinto Brass.

There were many different cuts released all over the world in the time that followed with the film’s uncut form being banned in many countries. It was, at the time, the biggest independent film to have been made with a budget double that of Star Wars, released a couple of years earlier.

Word of the new commission actually came in the January/February 2020 issue of Penthouse, where it was revealed that original materials had been located.

Negovan explains all about the forthcoming new release in the video below. Check this out.


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