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Trailer for FrightFest debuting ‘Transmission’, a film billed as the first channel surfing horror movie

Check out this trailer for Transmission, a new horror movie set to debut at this month’s FrightFest in London. The film comes to the screen from writer/ director Mike Hurst and stars Vernon Wells, Felissa Rose, Dave Sheridan and Sadie Katz.

Described as the first of its kind channel-surfing horror, Transmission is a twisted take on the classic horror anthologies.

As we watch TV late at night, flipping between channels we realize that a live TV news report about a home invasion, a documentary about a missing film director and an old sci-fi horror movie are all linked, and they are really parts of a much bigger,, terrifying story containing footage that must never be shown…

Commenting on the film’s Selection at FrightFest, Director and Writer, Michael Hurst said; “After 20 years making what you might call solid B-pictures such as House of the Dead 2, Pumpkinhead 4, Paradox and Room 6, as well as a few TV episodes, I decided to try and make something that no producer would ever ‘let’ me do normally. I was determined to make a bolder and weirder and hopefully more original film, one that’s told in a format that hadn’t been done before. Because the project was so risky I decided to self-finance it, partly by using money I’d made writing a script for the legendary Roger Corman. Then I teamed up with an enthusiastic group of fellow filmmakers in LA to do it. Despite years of hard work and stress it was still the most creatively fulfilling time I’ve had in my career. Now I’m really excited (and nervous!) that Transmission is going to be a part of the great Frightest festival. ” 

Watch the debut trailer below.


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