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Watch this trailer for Estonian martial arts film ‘The Invisible Fight’

The Invisible Fight trailer

Here’s an interesting trailer for an upcoming Estonian martial arts film titled The Invisible Fight. This one comes to the screen from Rainer Sarnet and has just played the recent Fantastic Fest, which we covered. out in Austin, Texas. No idea when this will see the light of day in the UK but the film will open in its homeland in December. The Invisible Fight trailer can be watched below in all its glory.

Hoping this one plays at the Tallinn Black Nights Films Festival in November, which we are attending in person, ahead of that Estonian premiere to the public in December. Here’s hoping.

We have The Invisible Fight trailer below but first the synopsis.

USSR-China border, 1973: The young soldier Rafael is on guard duty when the border falls under attack from flying Chinese kung fu warriors, leaving him the sole survivor. Utterly fascinated by the long-haired martial artists who easily dispatched his fellow guards, all while blasting forbidden Black Sabbath music from their portable radio, Rafael is struck by a revelation: he too wants to be a kung fu warrior. Looking for mentorship with few options, faith leads Rafael to seek martial arts teachers at one of the unlikeliest places: the local Eastern Orthodox monastery, where monks begin his training. With a skeptical mother, a rival monk, and a budding love interest pulling him in different directions, he finds his journey to unlock the greatest martial art of all – the almighty power of humility – is long and full of kick-ass adventures…

Heavy metal and Kung Fu. I am very much in.

Check out The Invisible Fight trailer below. We’ll keep you posted on that release date.


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