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New animated adventure ‘How To Save The Immortal’ enters cinemas – trailer

We’ve just been sent some details of a new animated film that actually enters UK cinemas today. How To Save The Immortal is a feature aimed at families with a Halloween theme – perfect for end of half term and the spooky season for younger audience members. Dazzler Media are releasing the film.

The film hails from Russia and director and co-writer Roman Artemyev.

Living alone in his castle, Drybone the Immortal has been unable to find a bride for three hundred years, in no small part due to his habit of kidnapping princesses and turning them into frogs after finding himself rejected! Meanwhile, the beautiful and fiercely independent maiden, Barbara the Brave, is constantly fighting off would-be suitors who don’t measure up to her in battle. Can love blossom for these two love-lost anti-heroes, especially when the cunning King Lentil plots to make Barbara his own wife, at any cost?

Of course, we have a trailer for the release which you can see below. The film is in cinemas now.


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