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Trailer for drama ‘Vindication Swim’ about Mercedes Gleitze, the first British woman to swim the English Channel

The film will arrive in cinemas in 2024.

Here’s the trailer for the upcoming British film Vindication Swim which is about Mercedes Gleitze, the first British woman to swim the English Channel in 1927. The film is set for a release in 2024.

Photo Credit: Kevin Harwood

Kirsten Callaghan has been cast in the role of Mercedes Gleitze. while the film also stars John Locke (Darkest Hour), Victoria Summer (Saving Mr. Banks) and Douglas Hodge (Joker).

The inspirational story of Mercedes Gleitze, the first British woman to swim the English Channel and her battle against both the cold waters of the Channel and the oppressive society of 1920s England. However, after a rival comes forward claiming to have accomplished the same feat, Mercedes is forced into battle to retain her record and her legacy.

This looks really good. Elliott Hasler directs the film through Relsah Films, Picnik Entertainment, Sea High Productions, and Arden Entertainment.

Here’s the trailer. More on this as it comes in.


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