The BBC has just announced that the dreaded Zygons will be returning to DOCTOR WHO for its 50th Anniversary Special and don’t they look gorgeous:
Unlike other recently-resurrected Who monsters such as the Daleks, Cybermen and Silurians, the Zygons don’t seem to be getting much of an overhaul. The essential design is the same, but now it looks a lot more refined; he actually looks like a monster, not a man in a monster suit. Personally I think he looks like something out of Farscape, but since that’s my other (other) favourite Sci-Fi show of all time, I’m not complaining.
Coupled with the news that David Tennant and Billie Piper are returning for the as-yet-unnamed Anniversary Special, and being joined by the living legend that is John Hurt (SPACEBALLS, FRANKENSTEIN UNBOUND), this is shaping up to be one hell of a party. (Interesting to note that the Zygons are David Tennant’s favourite monster.)
Here’s that official announcement:
“Aside from flashbacks these malevolent shape-shifters have only appeared once before, threatening Earth in the Fourth Doctor adventure, Terror of the Zygons. Despite the fact that their solitary outing was over thirty years ago they remain a popular old enemy and in the 2010 episode, The Pandorica Opens, they were amongst the massed aliens said to be gathering above Stonehenge. Later, in The Power of Three, we learnt that Zygons had one of their ships under the Savoy Hotel in 1890 and apparently replaced half the staff with imposters! But this time they really are back…”
Exactly what role they will take in the Special is as yet unknown; will they be the main villain, a passing cameo, or an unexpected ally in the Doctor(s)’ hour of need? Only time will tell. I’m still waiting for them to announce the return of that darkest of foes, the Kandyman. Come on, Moffat. You know you want to.
Source: BBC