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Stage And Small Screen

It’s Showtime For ‘Penny Dreadful’ As Eva Green And Josh Hartnett Take The Lead

Eva Green

Frightening and psychological is how executive producer, writer and creator John Logan is selling PENNY DREADFUL. He could  be right as charisma repellent Josh Hartnett has signed on to play Ethan Chandler, an American stuck in Victorian London, whilst walking chest Eva Green is onboard as Vanessa Ives who uses her (ahem) charms to seduce whilst being choc full of the obligatory mystery and secrets. A terrifying pair.

Whilst the premise may sound tired and well-worn it does have a couple of things going for it – and I’m not talking about Eva Green’s breasts. Firstly the show will be co-executive produced by Bond-helmer and all round nice guy Sam Mendes, and his old mate Neal Street’s ‘Pippa Harris’ production company. But wait, there is more. In quite a coup Juan Antonio Bayona has signed up to direct the first two episodes. Bayona is responsible for bringing us chiller THE ORPHANAGE and Tsunami story THE IMPOSSIBLE. Suddenly Josh Hartnett in the lead isn’t that much of a downer… possibly.

PENNY DREADFUL will be stopping by in London early next year for shooting. Expect it to land in the US towards the autumn of 2014.

Source: Coming Soon

Sam is a bloody lovely lad born and raised in Bristol (he’s still there and can’t escape). Favourite films include THE LOST BOYS, DRIVE, FIGHT CLUB and COMMANDO, well pretty much any 1980s Arnie film you can throw his way…even RED SONJA. Sam once cancelled a Total Film subscription after they slagged off Teen Wolf. He resubscribed 2 days later.

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