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Ones To Watch: The Newsroom

The Newsroom

HBO drama The Newsroom returns to Sky Atlantic tonight for the start of its second season.  The Aaron Sorkin-penned show follows grumpy TV anchor Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels) and his haphazard team of newbies as they attempt to bring a smarter news show to their audience.

The show covers real life news stories and season one (read our review here) included teacher protests, a congresswomen being shot, oil spills in the Gulf, uproar in Egypt, phone hacking, NSA revelations, primary election debates and the memorable night in 2011 when it was announced a military operation had killed Osama Bin Laden.  There’s not too much in the trailer that hints at upcoming storylines for season 2 but expect them to cover the Presidential Campaign of 2012, drone attacks, Occupy Wall Street and Gaddafi – and that’s all just for starters!

Here’s the trailer which seems to suggest the characters are going to be in for a tougher ride than the first season, with a pretty post-apocalyptic looking setting.

The Newsroom Season 2 starts on Sky Atlantic tonight at 9pm.

Originally from deep in the London suburbs Vicky is now enjoying the novelty of being able to catch a night bus home from anywhere in the city. Her favourite films are anything John Hughes is involved in, SAY ANYTHING and DEAD POETS SOCIETY. Don't mention the rumour she once served cold tea to Robert Webb and Olivia Coleman. Find her on twitter @chafferty

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