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THN Attend Pop Up Screens Spooky Halloween Event


Not so long ago we at THN brought you news of a fantastic series of films for the Halloween season that company Pop Up Screens were running. Pop Up Screens are a company that help put the fun back into the film viewing experience and do this by showing classic films in a variety of non-cinema locations. For example, over summer they screened films such as JUNO, and FIGHT CLUB at various London parks. To prove that we never endorse something that we don’t 100% believe in, last night THN attended the screening of SAW.

The location of the Halloween season is the visually stunning St James’ Church in West Hampstead. Yes it might seem odd going to a church to watch classic horror films which include HELLRAISER, SAW, SCREAM, and BEETLEJUICE, however the setting really adds atmosphere. To aid the Halloween festivities, the church and churchyard had been given a spooky once-over. The fun began as soon as you handed your ticket in, with you having to brave the spooky church path which had been littered with pumpkins, decorations and a few surprises along the way.

Once inside the vastness of the church was extremely impressive. Halloween music was pumped into the building prior to the screening with typical songs such as Michael Jackson’s Thriller; children of the Eighties going to any of the other screenings should keep their ears peeled for the theme tune to Trap Door.

Lit only with tealights and a couple of dim lights the church was suitably dark to screen the movie, the church’s size meant that loud bangs etc within the film reverberated around the structure which gave that ‘beyond the fourth wall’ element. Refreshments were available throughout the film and included soft drinks, wine, beer, cider and a delicious hot chocolate which was just what the doctor ordered on a autumnal evening.

The spooky refreshment stand.

The spooky refreshment stand.

Having watched SAW every year around Halloween for some time it was refreshing to see it in a new environment. There were plenty of attendees who had never seen the film before so there were the expected gasps as the film reached it’s finale and first time viewers pieced it all together.

All the screenings are currently sold-out so if you were lucky enough to get one and are attending tonight or tomorrow then you’re in for a real treat. If you didn’t listen to our last article urging you to go, then fret not, the company has their next season already lined up. Advertised before SAW, Pop Up Screens gave us a peek at the Christmas line-up and it’s a good one folks. Running from the 13th – 19th December at 20th Century Theatre in Notting Hill the season has a Christmas film for everybody and highlights include, HOME ALONE 1 and 2, DIE HARD, THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, BAD SANTA, RARE EXPORTS: A CHRISTMAS TALE, ELF, and not forgetting THE MUPPETS CHRISTMAS CAROL. The full line-up can be viewed here.

Keep yourself up to date with all Pop Up Screens ventures by following them on twitter @popupscreens.

Kat Hughes is a UK born film critic and interviewer who has a passion for horror films. An editor for THN, Kat is also a Rotten Tomatoes Approved Critic. She has bylines with Ghouls Magazine, Arrow Video, Film Stories, Certified Forgotten and FILMHOUNDS and has had essays published in home entertainment releases by Vinegar Syndrome and Second Sight. When not writing about horror, Kat hosts micro podcast Movies with Mummy along with her five-year-old daughter.

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