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Guy Pearce to star in 'The Hungry Rabbit Jumps'

Guy Pearce in the classic Memento

Guy Pearce in the classic Memento

Guy Pearce is to star in upcoming thriller ‘The Hungry Rabbit Jumps’.

The 42-year-old actor will star alongside Nicolas Cage in the Roger Donaldson blockbuster about an ordinary man who looks to a vigilante group for help when his wife gets assaulted.

Exact details are not yet known, but Guy is expected to play either the leader of the dangerous group or one of the policemen involved in the case, while Nicolas will play the concerned husband and January Jones his wife.

The storyline has been adapted for the big screen by Robert Tannen, who wrote the original story with Todd Hickey.

Tobey Maguire and Ram Bergman will produce the film, with Wendy Japhet and Lucas Smith.

‘The Hungry Rabbit Jumps’ is due for release next year.

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