Storming its’ way into view today is the brand new trailer for upcoming BBC show The Musketeers set to hit screens at the end of January. The 10-part series has a cracking cast, top quality writer and, if the trailer is anything to go by, some serious action to keep us entertained on what appears to be the BBC’s new Saturday night ‘must-see TV’.
Fans of Doctor Who can starve off their withdrawal following the Christmas Day regeneration as 12th Doctor Peter Capaldi plays statesman Cardinal Richelieu, the main enemy of the Musketeers. Filling the Musketeers’ boots are Luke Pasqualino (Skins, The Borgias) as D’Artagnan, Tom Burke (Great Expectations, The Hour) as Athos, Santiago Cabrera (Merlin, Heroes) as Aramis and Howard Charles (Royal Shakespeare Company) as Porthos. Here’s the very worthy sounding plot summed up:
‘Set in 17th century Paris D’Artagan, Athos, Aramis, and Porthos fight for what is just and are heroes in the truest and most abiding sense – men we can trust and believe in to do the right thing regardless of personal risk.’
Penned by Primeval and MY WEEK WITH MARILYN writer Adrian Hodges the show is being co-produced by BBC America. Check out the action in the trailer below for what looks set to be a fresh and thrilling spin on a classic story.
The Musketeers also stars Tamla Kari (Cuckoo, THE INBETWEENERS MOVIE), Maimie McCoy (Loving Miss Hatto) and Alexandra Dowling (Game of Thrones) and will air on the BBC at the end of January.
Originally from deep in the London suburbs Vicky is now enjoying the novelty of being able to catch a night bus home from anywhere in the city. Her favourite films are anything John Hughes is involved in, SAY ANYTHING and DEAD POETS SOCIETY. Don't mention the rumour she once served cold tea to Robert Webb and Olivia Coleman. Find her on twitter @chafferty