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Omnicorp Has Your Future Under Control In New ‘RoboCop’ Viral

Omnicorp, one of the world’s most prominent and influential tech-companies continue to protect us from crime everywhere on what Samue.l L. Jackson is seen below referring to as ‘the eve of a technogical revolution.‘ With Omnicorp being their upstanding, corporatocratic megacorporate selves, I definitely feel safe in my own home and so should you.

In fact, this is a real zinger of a viral for the unveiling of the RC-2000, the newest and most advanced model of ensuring complete global security and we get first row seats to watch it perform some magic, literally. With bullets and mega-punches.

I for one welcome our new and superior technological overlords.

ROBOCOP stars Joel Kinnaman, Abbie Cornish, Samuel. L. Jackson, Michael Keaton, Jay Baruchel, Jackie Earl Haley, Jennifer Ehle, Michael Kenneth Williams and Gary Oldman. It charges into cinemas on 7th February, 2014.

A 20-something scribbler with an adoration for space, film, existentialism and comic books. He consumes the weight of the Empire State Building in tea, enjoys the buzz of large cities and can blow things up with his mind.

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