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Fogelman sells new script to star Tom Cruise

Dan Fogelman (CARS 2) seems to be the toast of Hollywood at the moment selling his latest UNCOMPLETED script for an undisclosed seven figure sum.  Not just that but Tom Cruise has even signed on.

Deadline broke the story where Warner Bros has bought the unwritten script about a disgraced politician:

Tom Cruise [is] attached to play a politician who gets caught in an affair. With his reputation in tatters, the pol retreats to his hometown to lick his wounds, repair relationships and confront his past.

So far the above are the only facts released by the Warner’s at this point but it must be a stinker of a film if five studios got into a bidding war over the script and ponying up $2-3 million and being happy to play Cruise’s bill which is big. In the meanwhile Fogelman has a film out the 2nd September 2011 called CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE, click here for the trailer.

Paul finished is BA in Film & Broadcast Productions during the summer and has somehow landed the position of Media & Marketing Manager in the London Korean Film Festival happening this November (plug). While at University Paul found his speciality lay in Script Development, scriptwriting and Editing. He has written, edited and director a small number of not very good short films but does not let that dissuade him from powering through. After the Koreans are through with him he looks to enter the paid world of Script Development. He likes incredibly bad horror films, East Asian movies, comics and lots of other stuff.

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