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Attack the Block Premiere

Earlier this evening THN attended the glitzy premiere of Attack the Block. Yes the best of British were out in force for what is sure to be a great…erm…Great British movie and no doubt our finest filmic export since Shaun of the Dead!

If you hadn’t heard Attack the Block is the brain-child and first directorial feature from Joe Cornish (of Adam & Joe fame) which tells the story of an alien invasion on a South London tower block – first glimpses look brilliant. Cornish has of late really pushed the boat out and is moving from cult T.V. & radio star to a major Hollywood player – knocking boots with the likes of Steven Spielberg on the upcoming Tin Tin movie and Marvel movie project Ant-Man. It was extremely exciting to be there tonight to see the first major string to his ever-expanding bow.

Charming and eager to talk about movies, Mr. Cornish gave a tantalising rundown of what we can expect – action, laughs, scares and at it’s heart an homage to the sci-fi/beastie movies of his cinematic youth, just a few of his referential name drops included E.T. – Critters – Tremors – Awesome! With this movie Cornish said he wanted to take a different view of London gang culture and skew the more common (and lets face it sometimes true) view that all hooded youths are violent criminals – so expect to see heroic chavs defeating scary space monsters.

Attack the Block goes on general release next week – and we absolutely can’t wait – expect savvy references to some of your favourite sci-fi classics, genuine scares beside genuine laughs and some great creature effects…

Watch this space for upcoming video footage of the red carpet and an Attack the Block review…



A BA in Media & an Art MA doesn’t get you much in today’s world – what it does give you however is a butt-load of time to watch a heck of a lot of movies and engage in extensive (if not pointless) cinematic chitter chatter. Movies and pop-culture have always been at the forefront of Joe’s interest who has been writing for THN since 2009. With self-aggrandised areas of expertise including 1970s New Hollywood, The Coen Brothers, Sci-Fi and Adam Sandler, Joe’s voyeuristic habits rebound between Cinematic Classics and Hollywood ephemera, a potent mix at once impressively comprehensive and shamelessly low-brow.

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