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Spider-Man Beckons the New Wave of Marvel Video Games


When it comes to gaming, Marvel have arguably dropped the ball when compared with DC. Where DC have had the Batman Arkham series of games, Marvel seem to have been happy to let their heroes beseem to have been happy to let their heroes be in LEGO games and Disney’s Infinity game. The times are changing though, with Spider-Man bringing in the biggest change of them all.

When Spider-Man was revealed at E3, with the developer being revealed by Insomniac Games this news was met with excitement. With Ratchet & Clank gaining positive reviews, in game form at least, the fact Insomniac are on board is exciting news.

Looking at the trailer that was released, you can’t help but be impressed. The fact that the footage shown was “in-game footage” showed the level of detail that Insomniac are planning to give. While this could change on the actual release of the game, it still was enough to excite fans of Spider-Man who have been waiting for some time for a good game.

If you are a Spider-Man fan, you’ll know the last great game based on the character (when not in LEGO form) was The Amazing Spider-Man 2, all the way back in 2014. This was a PlayStation 2 release and featured an open world style of gameplay that let players swing around the city with ease.

Comparing the game to more modern games, it does show its age, but the important thing is the new Spider-Man game is very reminiscent of the past game. This will obviously have fans hoping that Insomniac are using that past game as a template for what they are revealing with their game. What fans are sure of though is the fact that Spider-Man is in safe hands.

What the new Spider-Man game also reveals for fans is the future of Marvel games. With Disney announcing that they will no longer be developing games “in-house” this means that companies such as Insomniac will have more chance to create games based on superheroes that we know and love from the Marvel Universe.

Looking at some of the movies that have been released based on Marvel characters, this is also a hint of games that we are likely to see in the future. With the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and other characters available for games, the possibilities are very exciting. No doubt many fans have their own ideas of heroes they would love to see appear in their own games.

Marvel are now licensing out their characters for games, from online slot games and change to win with free bingo, all the way up to Triple-A games like the new Spider-Man title and this is a sign for the fans to get excited about what is coming in the future.

Will we get a good Incredible Hulk Game? Will Iron Man be redeemed? Can Captain America bring in some ass-kicking action? The chances now look good, especially if Spider-Man is a hit, and the signs look good that it will be.

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