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Can Episode 9 Become The Best Movie In The Entire Star Wars Franchise?

Star Wars Episode 9 cast

Expectations are high and continuing to build toward December 20th when Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker finally hits movie theaters.

Will it meet our expectations? Well, it might if you keep ‘em in check rather than letting them grow to the size of a Death Star. But let’s face it, we’re skeptical, critical, never-can-be-satisfied moviegoers. Sigh, why is writer/director J.J. Abrams even trying?
We’ll tell you – “A New Hope.” That first movie, whether you watched it first in 1977 or in 2017 or somewhere in between, started most of us down an epic path of good vs. evil. And many believe that hope will be realised in this final chapter.

Beyond fans’ hope, the movie is creating, it is fueling the betting odds on it being the highest grossing movie of the year at SBR’s top-rated sportsbooks. As we get more trailers and the premiere grows ever closer, prop bets also will be dropping as if they’re in hyperdrive.

There is a definite chance “Rise of Skywalker” will outpace “Avengers: Endgame,” which, as we type is chasing Avatar to become the biggest movie worldwide ever, drawing in repeat customers with added footage after the credits.

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens is No. 1 in domestic gross at $936.6 million, ahead of “Endgame,” Avatar, and Black Panther, all according to Box Office Mojo.

“Rise of Skywalker,” starring Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, and Adam Driver can easily assemble a bigger box office than Avengers: Endgame because this movie series has legs.

“Star Wars” movies hold two spots on the top 10 domestic gross with “The Last Jedi” (No. 9). Look a little further down the list and you’ll find “The Phantom Menace” (No. 15) and “Star Wars” (No. 16). For the record, “Revenge of the Sith” (No. 39); “Attack of the Clones” (No. 73), “Return of the Jedi” (No. 75) and “The Empire Strikes Back” (No 92).

And with this being the LAST ONE of the original saga, people will come … and then they will go and see it again.

It is more than a little disturbing “The Empire Strikes Back” is last on the Box Office Mojo list when it appears so frequently at the top of many fans and critics’ list as the best “Star Wars” movie.

All that was right with “Empire,” from Yoda, learning the lesson that bad guys sometimes win, and Leia’s “I love you” to Han’s “I know” response, is the bar Abrams has to hit with this final film.

Beyond Ridley and company, the film has the added nostalgic bonus of originals Billy Dee Williams as Lando with Chewie flying the Millennium Falcon, the late Carrie Fisher reprising Leia using previously shot footage and Luke (Mark Hamill) maybe appearing as a “Force ghost” much like Sir Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan in “A New Hope.” At least, that’s what Hamill told reporters at the premiere of “Child’s Play” recently.

There is confidence “Skywalker” will rank among the best because superfan Abrams is at the helm. A 40-year legacy is a tough mantle to uphold so he reportedly did consult with creator George Lucas before starting the project. Speculation on several websites is Lucas suggested the return of Emperor Palpatine.

Abrams hasn’t commented on much regarding the film’s plot but he did tell state that while making the film he felt “slightly more renegade; it felt slightly more like, you know, (screw) it, I’m going to do the thing that feels right because it does, not because it adheres to something.”

We’re expecting a movie that honors the longtime history of the franchise with a culmination of a journey where questions will answered. Well, they BETTER be answered.

Such as: What role does Palpatine have? Will we see more characters from the past? Will Kylo Ren leave the Dark Side? Will he join forces with Rey to fight Palpatine? Is Skywalker in the title referring to a new group of Force-sensitive “users” such as the Sith and Jedi?

We could go on, but for now, let’s tap into the Force and seek patience. As much as we want answers, we’re not ready to let this film franchise go just yet. Maybe by Dec. 20 we’ll be ready.

“Patience you must have my young padawan.”


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