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‘Death of a Vlogger’ Review: Dir. Graham Hughes [Frightfest 2019]

Death of a Vlogger review: A vlogger gets more than he bargained for when he discovers his new flat might be haunted. 

Death of a Vlogger

Death of a Vlogger screened at Frightfest this year as part of the ‘First Blood’ strand. The series of films, which take over one of the discovery screens, are specially curated and demonstrate the work that fledgling filmmakers have to offer. With Death of a Vlogger director Graham Hughes has created a rather nifty little new slant to the found footage genre.

Playing out as more of a mockumentary with found footage elements, Death of a Blogger recounts the story of Graham (played by Hughes himself), an ill-fated vlogger who rose to fame after capturing a paranormal incident on camera. The film interviews those that worked with him, fellow paranormal vlogger Steve (Paddy Kondracki), his close friend Erin (Annabel Logan), and the skeptic that didn’t buy into his videos, Alice (Joma West). There are also Graham’s video diaries of the strange things happening in his flat.

What Death of a Vlogger does well is that it offers a compelling ghost story alongside a commentary on social media. Hughes highlights both the dangers of believing everything you see and the dark side of Internet fame. At first, Graham is a viral superstar, the man who did the impossible, but the fickleness of the masses soon turn on him and we witness his descent into depression as trolls begin to make his life very unpleasant. It holds a mirror up to our media obsessed culture of cruelty, and you might not like what you see.

Death of a Vlogger

It’s not just the eye-opening look at how we consume and use social media that is cause for horror, Death of a Vlogger has just as many actual scares. If you are at all wary of ghosts and such on film, then you might want to swerve this film as there are several moments that are pretty horrifying. One scene in particular involving an ordinary sheet in the background caused chills and the hairs on the back of this writer’s arms to stand on end. The scares are all pulled off in camera and demonstrate that Hughes has a lot of tricks up his film-making sleeves.

Death of a Vlogger

In terms of plot and dialogue, Death of a Vlogger doesn’t necessarily have the biggest amount of competition as, let’s face it, your typical found footage film isn’t remembered for its amazing story or snappy plot. They typically rely on fairly straight-forward stories and the dialogue tends to be clunky and almost always feels forced and over-rehearsed. Death of a Vlogger stands apart from all these tropes, the story is far more layered than it may sound from what we’ve revealed thus far. Hughes allowed himself, and his cast, to be loose with the script, freeing them from adhering to what was dictated and allowing the film to feel natural. It’s a very clever decision and one that it so important to a film within this genre. One of the main reasons that The Blair Witch Project worked so well is that a lot of it was improvised; Death of a Vlogger captures that same magic.

With pretty solid scares that will induce goosebumps, Death of a Vlogger explores a tried and tested sub-genre in a new dynamic way. Proof that if you are committed enough you can produce a high quality and creepy horror film without breaking the bank. Graham Hughes very well might have created Paranormal Activity for the vlogging generation.

Death of a Vlogger was reviewed at Arrow Video Frightfest 2019 and is released on digital in the UK on Monday 6thJuly 2020.

Kat Hughes is a UK born film critic and interviewer who has a passion for horror films. An editor for THN, Kat is also a Rotten Tomatoes Approved Critic. She has bylines with Ghouls Magazine, Arrow Video, Film Stories, Certified Forgotten and FILMHOUNDS and has had essays published in home entertainment releases by Vinegar Syndrome and Second Sight. When not writing about horror, Kat hosts micro podcast Movies with Mummy along with her five-year-old daughter.


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